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+971 (61) 723 4253 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

For those who value their business


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Transportation of containers by sea all over the world
The global reach applicable to organizing maritime transportation of Our Company covers countries of South America, North America, Africa and Eurasia.
Overseas container transportation as an integral part of commodity exchange
Container ocean freight has become the prevailing method of transporting goods in recent decades. Shipping delivery is a relatively cheap option for moving goods over long distances, especially for transcontinental transportation of large consignments of goods.
Advantages of organizing sea freight
  • Global reach. Our company specializes in the transportation of goods in 20 and 40 foot universal sea containers, as well as in specialized containers "Open Top", "Hard Top", "Flat Rack" from any port in China and Southeast Asia. We perform delivery from more than 70 ports in China, as well as Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam. It is possible to organize shipment from any countries of Northern, Western and Eastern Europe, as well as Mediterranean countries: Israel, Turkey, Greece, Algeria. Our company has extensive experience in organizing international sea transportation of goods to the ports of South and Central America, the USA and Canada.
  • Wide agency network in ports of departure. The most important condition for the timely dispatch of cargo by sea is cooperation with reliable booking agents. The largest shipping lines have their own agency offices in many ports around the world. However, when contacting such offices directly, clients face the following problems: inconvenient ship call schedules, lack of vacant seats, disregard of new customers. Our company relies on cooperation with private companies in the countries of departure, which have many years of experience working with sea carriers.
  • Large agency network in ports of destination. A high level of service is ensured by many years of experience in working with port terminals and a constant volume of transshipment and cargo handling. The task of our company was to select the best companies providing port handling and forwarding services, establish strong business relationships with them, and create a comprehensive product that we can be proud of.
  • Price. Cooperation with reliable private companies that have been shipping their own volumes of cargo for many years allows us not only to secure places on ships, but also to reduce the cost of our final product. It is no secret that sea carriers provide preferential terms for their regular customers who place orders on an ongoing basis.
  • No bureaucratic delays. Our team guarantees the signing of the contract and confirmation of the booking for the selected ship call within five days.
  • Terms of payment. Dealing directly with sea carriers, clients often face rigid payment terms that do not fit with the financial model for distributing funds from contracting organizations. Our company presents exclusive terms of deferred payment for both regular and new customers.
Container transportation by rail
Our core business - is rail transportation in containers.
Advantages of rail container transportation
Container transportation by rail firmly occupies a niche for transporting goods across the expanses of Asia, Europe, and neighboring countries. A developed network of railways and transshipment container complexes provide a continuous flow of goods and a minimum transit time of transportation. Stable speed and security of transportation create the safest conditions for the movement of heavy, liquid, dangerous goods, as well as industrial and household goods.
Advantages of organizing railway transportation in containers
  • Organization of transportation by rail of any complexity. This type of transportation is the core business of our company, we specialize in transportation using the railway network of various countries of Eurasia.
  • Price. Long-term cooperation with equipment owners, as well as the volume of transported goods, allows our company to provide services at the same official cost that the client will receive by contacting the owner of fitting platforms and containers directly.
  • No bureaucratic delays. Our team guarantees signing of the contract and organization of transportation within two days if there are no comments on the contract from the client is side.
  • Terms of payment. Dealing with fitting platform operators directly, clients often face harsh payment terms that have nothing common with the financial model for distributing funds from customer organizations. Violation of the terms of payment entails penalties, as well as delays in the issuance of payment codes, which may cause a violation of the timing of sending trains. Our company provides exclusive terms of deferred payment for both regular and new customers.
In consequence of experience in the field of rail transportation, our team is ready to develop an individual optimal logistics scheme for each client, which will reduce the cost of transportation, transshipment and station fees, and minimize delivery times. The reputation of our company as a reliable business partner and well-established interaction with regulatory organizations will ensure the most favorable treatment during borders crossing and documents processing.
Trucking of containers
We provides a wide range of services in the field of container transportation by truck
Container trucking is today considered the most popular type of cargo transportation, using which allows you to deliver goods to almost any destination.
A container truck has a flat bed specially equipped for fixing and transporting container equipment.
Container truckinf is an integral part of multimodal transport operations. This is the most affordable, easiest and fastest way to move consignments between two points, which can be start, end or intermediate point of the route
Usually empty container is delivered to a place of loading by truck. A loaded container is transported to specialized terminals, where it is loaded at a railway platform, ship or airliner. Also, container trucking is the most common way to deliver cargo within a region or country. Modern powerful cargo trailers allow transportation on almost any road.
Container trucking
The success of road container transportation depends on a number of factors. Our team will develop and implement an optimal delivery scheme that provides:
  • compliance of the equipment with the type of cargo,
  • revised technical condition of the vehicle,
  • driver professionalism,
  • accompanying documentation accuracy,
  • route advance.
We offer gentle and profitable trucking services in containers as an independent transport or as part of a multimodal transport operation.
Multimodal transportation
Core business of our company is multimodal international transportation
Combined forwarding is the most efficient approach to cargo delivery
Professional logisticians strive to find the most effective solutions to transport problems. As a result, the use of intermodal and multimodal transportation schemes has become widespread, capable of connecting any points of departure and destination by an optimal route that meets a set of requirements for cargo storage conditions, delivery times and costs. A professionally designed delivery scheme makes it possible to rationally use the advantages of all available types of freight transport, for example, the low cost of sea transportation services or the high speed of rail transportation.
Basic principles of multimodal transportation
  • Alternate use of different transport when delivering one batch of goods.
  • Control over the movement of cargo.
  • Established communication between all participants in the process, prompt transfer of important information.
  • All participants in the transportation process cooperate with each other .
  • The actions of the structural elements of the multimodal system are coordinated by the logistics company.
Benefits organization of multimodal transportation LLC
  • Geography of activity. Our company has many years of experience in cooperation with leading booking agents, shipping lines, port forwarders, railway operators, container terminals in Asia, the CIS and Europe. We are able to organize door-to-door transportation to almost anywhere in the world.
  • Cost. Our company has been organizing international multimodal transportation for the last eight years. the volume of transported goods allows us to work with the main participants in the transport market on preferential terms, which is reflected in the final cost of our product.
  • Through transportation from door to door. We can load the supplier is cargo into the container ourselves and unload the cargo at your warehouse, while you only need to conclude a contract with us.
  • No bureaucratic delays. Our team guarantees the signing of the contract and confirmation of the booking for the selected ship call within five days.
Our solution of the entire set of tasks for the development and implementation of the optimal scheme for the delivery of any consignment of goods in accordance with the wishes of the customer in terms of transportation parameters. The participation of the cargo owner in the process of organizing and carrying out transportation is not required, but he has the right to access information about the process of movement and registration of cargo. We successfully solve transport problems of any complexity, combining different types of transport to achieve the best result, promptly coordinating the passage of all stages.
Wide range of container services between Asia and Europe
We provides many transport solutions in the field of transit container services between China and Europe
Range of services provided
One ​​of the main features of working our company - the wide range of products and transport solutions provided. Our company provides a range of logistics services for the transportation of containers as part of direct regular container trains through the following border crossings from China: Manchuria - Zabaikalsk (RF), Alashankou - Dostyk (KZH), Khorgos - Altynkol (KZH), Erlian - Zamyn-Uud ( Mongolia), and from the EU side: Zilupe (Latvia) - Posin (RF), Kuznica (Poland) - Bruzgi (BEL), Semianowka (Poland) - Svisloch (BEL), Malaszewicze (Poland) - Brest (BEL).
The advantages of transporting goods
  • A wide range of services. There is no need to enter into direct contracts with the owners of the rolling stock, each of which seeks to occupy a certain market share, choosing only a few target markets, and operates at certain border crossings.
  • Cost. Long-term cooperation with the owners of the rolling stock, as well as the volume of transported goods, allows our company to provide services at the same official cost that the client will receive by contacting the owner of fitting platforms and containers directly.
  • The absence of bureaucratic delays. Our team guarantees the signing of the contract and the issuance of payment codes for sending trains within two days in the absence of comments on the contract by the client is lawyers.
  • Terms of payment. When dealing directly with fitting platform operators, clients often face harsh payment terms that are inconsistent with the financial model for distributing funds from customer organizations. Violation of the terms of payment entails penalties, as well as delays in the issuance of payment codes, which may cause a violation of the timing of sending trains. Our company presents exclusive terms of deferred payment for both regular and new customers.
Consultations on transportation issues
When ordering, we offer support from our specialists on all issues of registration and delivery of goods and will always be in touch with our clients
Our team has experience in cargo transportation. Contact us and we will definitely find an answer to all your questions
Transportation of oversized, heavy and dangerous goods
One ​​of the important activities of the our company is the transportation of oversized, heavy and dangerous goods.
Types of non-standard cargo
Each mode of transport has its own standards for the parameters of cargo allowed for transportation, violation of which can lead to to the breakdown of the rolling stock or the creation of an emergency. Cargoes that do not meet the established standards are classified as special categories.
  • oversized (heavy) cargo is an object transported without tare or in a package, whose dimensions and/ or the mass exceeds the allowable values ​​accepted for transportation by a certain type of transport,
  • dangerous goods (in the international ADR classification) - substances or objects that, during transportation, transshipment or storage, can cause environmental pollution , damage to transport or related infrastructure, damage to the life and health of people or animals caught in the affected area. ADR cargoes have an internal classification that strictly regulates the conditions of delivery and storage.
Peculiarities of transportation of oversized, heavy and dangerous goods
In the process of trade turnover and production supply, it is often necessary to deliver non-standard cargo. In this case, it is necessary to organize a delivery that allows you to move the object without harming the vehicle, the environment, other road users and the population along the route.
Transportation of goods of special categories requires obtaining additional permits and permits, attracting specialized equipment. The scheme of transportation should take into account the admissibility of moving special cargo along the selected route, the compliance of the vehicle and the cargo compartment with a set of accepted requirements, and the availability of the necessary permits from the carrier. Logistics services include the preparation of a package of documents, the organization of correct labeling and the provision of a reliable system for fixing packages.
Transportation of groupage cargo in containers
We provides services in the field of transportation of groupage cargo in containers.
Advantages of LCL shipping
During LCL (Less than Container Load) transportation, several consignments from different shippers are consolidated in a warehouse for delivery in a common unit of container equipment. The freight cost is distributed proportionally between the transportation customers, which allows rational use of the container volume, significantly saving transportation costs and minimizing the storage time. a profitable way to move over long distances small in size and weight consignments. This is the optimal solution of the transport problem for customers operating with small volumes of goods turnover. The LCL service is most in demand when organizing sea freight from China, India, the United Arab Emirates, and European countries.
Features of groupage cargo delivery in containers
The scheme for the implementation of consolidated cargo transportation has a rather complex complex structure. For the successful organization and connection of all successive links of the transport operation, careful planning and full-fledged logistics support at each stage are required, including:
  • selection of a set of goods compatible in size and storage conditions groups,
  • lease of a consolidation warehouse in the territory of the state from which the cargo originates,
  • organization of a clear schedule for the delivery of empty container equipment and various commodity groups within the minimum period of time,
  • ensure correct marking and loading,
  • documentation of transport for further smooth border crossing,
  • organization of correct customs clearance, disbanding of cargo and delivery to final recipients.
Consolidated container transportation with us
LCL transportation service with our company - it is an opportunity to quickly and profitably move a small amount of cargo between any geographical points. Shipment at the point of departure and arrival at the warehouse can be carried out by the sender or through the mediation of our company. An extensive client base allows you to quickly select suitable consolidation options. We are responsible for all parts of warehouse, transport and customs logistics aimed at careful rational delivery to the recipient of each consignment of goods.
Customs service and customs consulting
Customs service and customs consulting is an integral part of the services provided by our company
Customs clearance in the scheme of international trade
Customs clearance is an important stage of any international transportation - the procedure for passing the formalities and paying the duties stipulated legislation when the cargo crosses the border of the state in the mode of export, import, transit, temporary import.
Customs clearance of goods is a rather complex, dynamically changing legal field. The consequences of incorrect clearance can be quite expensive: from unplanned downtime at the border to penalties or confiscation of cargo. Timely preparation of supporting documentation and well-coordinated work of a team of specialists who are familiar with the nuances of national and international standards in the field of commodity control are necessary for the smooth overcoming of instances.
Customs consulting
The success of the procedures depends on the correct execution of the shipping documentation. The customs consulting service is designed to ensure the completeness and correctness of the package of documents for a consignment. Tasks of the preliminary expert assessment:
  • determining the nomenclature codes of the cargo,
  • determining the need for certification or obtaining permits,
  • forecast and optimization of the amount of fees,
  • rational planning of the clearance process.
Customs service
Declaring a consignment when crossing the border is a specific procedure that requires brokers to know the specifics of currency, customs and tax legislation. The process includes several interrelated steps:
  • preparation of a package of documents,
  • submission of a declaration,
  • going through inspection,
In some cases, temporary placement of goods in a customs warehouse is required.
Turnkey customs clearance with us
Thanks to our partners entered in the register of customs brokers, We offer a comprehensive customs service. At the same time, the company undertakes the full brokerage support of cargo transportation, from a preliminary analysis of the parameters of cargo transportation to participation in the passage of all procedures necessary for crossing the border and onward to the destination. It is possible to cooperate within the framework of consulting or organizing individual stages of declaration.


Transportation of containers by sea all over the world
Container transportation by rail
Trucking of containers
Multimodal transportation
Wide range of container services between Asia and Europe
Consultations on transportation issues
Transportation of oversized, heavy and dangerous goods
Transportation of groupage cargo in containers
Customs service and customs consulting
The global reach applicable to organizing maritime transportation of the our company covers countries of South America, North America, Africa and Eurasia.
Overseas container transportation as an integral part of commodity exchange
Container ocean freight has become the prevailing method of transporting goods in recent decades. Shipping delivery is a relatively cheap option for moving goods over long distances, especially for transcontinental transportation of large consignments of goods.
Advantages of organizing sea freight
  • Global reach. Our company specializes in the transportation of goods in 20 and 40 foot universal sea containers, as well as in specialized containers "Open Top", "Hard Top", "Flat Rack" from any port in China and Southeast Asia. We perform delivery from more than 70 ports in China, as well as Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam. It is possible to organize shipment from any countries of Northern, Western and Eastern Europe, as well as Mediterranean countries: Israel, Turkey, Greece, Algeria. we has extensive experience in organizing international sea transportation of goods to the ports of South and Central America, the USA and Canada.
  • Wide agency network in ports of departure. The most important condition for the timely dispatch of cargo by sea is cooperation with reliable booking agents. The largest shipping lines have their own agency offices in many ports around the world. However, when contacting such offices directly, clients face the following problems: inconvenient ship call schedules, lack of vacant seats, disregard of new customers. we relies on cooperation with private companies in the countries of departure, which have many years of experience working with sea carriers.
  • Large agency network in ports of destination. A high level of service is ensured by many years of experience in working with port terminals and a constant volume of transshipment and cargo handling. Our task - was to select the best companies providing port handling and forwarding services, establish strong business relationships with them, and create a comprehensive product that we can be proud of.
  • Price. Cooperation with reliable private companies that have been shipping their own volumes of cargo for many years allows us not only to secure places on ships, but also to reduce the cost of our final product. It is no secret that sea carriers provide preferential terms for their regular customers who place orders on an ongoing basis.
  • No bureaucratic delays. Our team guarantees the signing of the contract and confirmation of the booking for the selected ship call within five days.
  • Terms of payment. Dealing directly with sea carriers, clients often face rigid payment terms that do not fit with the financial model for distributing funds from contracting organizations. We presents exclusive terms of deferred payment for both regular and new customers.
The core business of the our company - is rail transportation in containers.
Advantages of rail container transportation
Container transportation by rail firmly occupies a niche for transporting goods across the expanses of Asia, Europe, and neighboring countries. A developed network of railways and transshipment container complexes provide a continuous flow of goods and a minimum transit time of transportation. Stable speed and security of transportation create the safest conditions for the movement of heavy, liquid, dangerous goods, as well as industrial and household goods.
Advantages of organizing railway transportation in containers
  • Organization of transportation by rail of any complexity. This type of transportation is the core business of our company, we specialize in transportation using the railway network of various countries of Eurasia.
  • Price. Long-term cooperation with equipment owners, as well as the volume of transported goods, allows our company to provide services at the same official cost that the client will receive by contacting the owner of fitting platforms and containers directly.
  • No bureaucratic delays. Our team guarantees signing of the contract and organization of transportation within two days if there are no comments on the contract from the client is side.
  • Terms of payment. Dealing with fitting platform operators directly, clients often face harsh payment terms that have nothing common with the financial model for distributing funds from customer organizations. Violation of the terms of payment entails penalties, as well as delays in the issuance of payment codes, which may cause a violation of the timing of sending trains. Our company provides exclusive terms of deferred payment for both regular and new customers.
In consequence of experience in the field of rail transportation, the our company LLC team is ready to develop an individual optimal logistics scheme for each client, which will reduce the cost of transportation, transshipment and station fees, and minimize delivery times. The reputation of our company as a reliable business partner and well-established interaction with regulatory organizations will ensure the most favorable treatment during borders crossing and documents processing.
Our company provides a wide range of services in the field of container transportation by truck
Container trucking is today considered the most popular type of cargo transportation, using which allows you to deliver goods to almost any destination.
A container truck has a flat bed specially equipped for fixing and transporting container equipment.
Container truckinf is an integral part of multimodal transport operations. This is the most affordable, easiest and fastest way to move consignments between two points, which can be start, end or intermediate point of the route
Usually empty container is delivered to a place of loading by truck. A loaded container is transported to specialized terminals, where it is loaded at a railway platform, ship or airliner. Also, container trucking is the most common way to deliver cargo within a region or country. Modern powerful cargo trailers allow transportation on almost any road.
Container trucking
The success of road container transportation depends on a number of factors. Our team will develop and implement an optimal delivery scheme that provides:
  • compliance of the equipment with the type of cargo,
  • revised technical condition of the vehicle,
  • driver professionalism,
  • accompanying documentation accuracy,
  • route advance.
We offer gentle and profitable trucking services in containers as an independent transport or as part of a multimodal transport operation.
Our company is multimodal international transportation
Combined forwarding is the most efficient approach to cargo delivery
Professional logisticians strive to find the most effective solutions to transport problems. As a result, the use of intermodal and multimodal transportation schemes has become widespread, capable of connecting any points of departure and destination by an optimal route that meets a set of requirements for cargo storage conditions, delivery times and costs. A professionally designed delivery scheme makes it possible to rationally use the advantages of all available types of freight transport, for example, the low cost of sea transportation services or the high speed of rail transportation.
Basic principles of multimodal transportation
  • Alternate use of different transport when delivering one batch of goods.
  • Control over the movement of cargo.
  • Established communication between all participants in the process, prompt transfer of important information.
  • All participants in the transportation process cooperate with each other .
  • The actions of the structural elements of the multimodal system are coordinated by the logistics company.
Benefits organization of multimodal transportation
  • Geography of activity. Our company has many years of experience in cooperation with leading booking agents, shipping lines, port forwarders, railway operators, container terminals in Asia, the CIS and Europe. We are able to organize door-to-door transportation to almost anywhere in the world.
  • Cost. Our company has been organizing international multimodal transportation for the last eight years. the volume of transported goods allows us to work with the main participants in the transport market on preferential terms, which is reflected in the final cost of our product.
  • Through transportation from door to door. We can load the supplier is cargo into the container ourselves and unload the cargo at your warehouse, while you only need to conclude a contract with us.
  • No bureaucratic delays. Our team guarantees the signing of the contract and confirmation of the booking for the selected ship call within five days.
Our company LLC on ourselves solution of the entire set of tasks for the development and implementation of the optimal scheme for the delivery of any consignment of goods in accordance with the wishes of the customer in terms of transportation parameters. The participation of the cargo owner in the process of organizing and carrying out transportation is not required, but he has the right to access information about the process of movement and registration of cargo. We successfully solve transport problems of any complexity, combining different types of transport to achieve the best result, promptly coordinating the passage of all stages.
Our company provides many transport solutions in the field of transit container services between China and Europe
Range of services provided
One ​​of the main features of working with our company is the wide range of products and transport solutions provided. Our company provides a range of logistics services for the transportation of containers as part of direct regular container trains through the following border crossings from China: Manchuria - Zabaikalsk (RF), Alashankou - Dostyk (KZH), Khorgos - Altynkol (KZH), Erlian - Zamyn-Uud ( Mongolia), and from the EU side: Zilupe (Latvia) - Posin (RF), Kuznica (Poland) - Bruzgi (BEL), Semianowka (Poland) - Svisloch (BEL), Malaszewicze (Poland) - Brest (BEL).
The advantages of transporting goods
  • A wide range of services. There is no need to enter into direct contracts with the owners of the rolling stock, each of which seeks to occupy a certain market share, choosing only a few target markets, and operates at certain border crossings.
  • Cost. Long-term cooperation with the owners of the rolling stock, as well as the volume of transported goods, allows our company to provide services at the same official cost that the client will receive by contacting the owner of fitting platforms and containers directly.
  • The absence of bureaucratic delays. Our team guarantees the signing of the contract and the issuance of payment codes for sending trains within two days in the absence of comments on the contract by the client is lawyers.
  • Terms of payment. When dealing directly with fitting platform operators, clients often face harsh payment terms that are inconsistent with the financial model for distributing funds from customer organizations. Violation of the terms of payment entails penalties, as well as delays in the issuance of payment codes, which may cause a violation of the timing of sending trains. Our company presents exclusive terms of deferred payment for both regular and new customers.
When ordering, we offer support from our specialists on all issues of registration and delivery of goods and will always be in touch with our clients
Our team has experience in cargo transportation. Contact us and we will definitely find an answer to all your questions
One ​​of the important activities of our company is the transportation of oversized, heavy and dangerous goods.
Types of non-standard cargo
Each mode of transport has its own standards for the parameters of cargo allowed for transportation, violation of which can lead to to the breakdown of the rolling stock or the creation of an emergency. Cargoes that do not meet the established standards are classified as special categories.
  • oversized (heavy) cargo is an object transported without tare or in a package, whose dimensions and/ or the mass exceeds the allowable values ​​accepted for transportation by a certain type of transport,
  • dangerous goods (in the international ADR classification) - substances or objects that, during transportation, transshipment or storage, can cause environmental pollution , damage to transport or related infrastructure, damage to the life and health of people or animals caught in the affected area. ADR cargoes have an internal classification that strictly regulates the conditions of delivery and storage.
Peculiarities of transportation of oversized, heavy and dangerous goods
In the process of trade turnover and production supply, it is often necessary to deliver non-standard cargo. In this case, it is necessary to organize a delivery that allows you to move the object without harming the vehicle, the environment, other road users and the population along the route.
Transportation of goods of special categories requires obtaining additional permits and permits, attracting specialized equipment. The scheme of transportation should take into account the admissibility of moving special cargo along the selected route, the compliance of the vehicle and the cargo compartment with a set of accepted requirements, and the availability of the necessary permits from the carrier. Logistics services include the preparation of a package of documents, the organization of correct labeling and the provision of a reliable system for fixing packages.
Our companys provides services in the field of transportation of groupage cargo in containers.
Advantages of LCL shipping
During LCL (Less than Container Load) transportation, several consignments from different shippers are consolidated in a warehouse for delivery in a common unit of container equipment. The freight cost is distributed proportionally between the transportation customers, which allows rational use of the container volume, significantly saving transportation costs and minimizing the storage time. a profitable way to move over long distances small in size and weight consignments. This is the optimal solution of the transport problem for customers operating with small volumes of goods turnover. The LCL service is most in demand when organizing sea freight from China, India, the United Arab Emirates, and European countries.
Features of groupage cargo delivery in containers
The scheme for the implementation of consolidated cargo transportation has a rather complex complex structure. For the successful organization and connection of all successive links of the transport operation, careful planning and full-fledged logistics support at each stage are required, including:
  • selection of a set of goods compatible in size and storage conditions groups,
  • lease of a consolidation warehouse in the territory of the state from which the cargo originates,
  • organization of a clear schedule for the delivery of empty container equipment and various commodity groups within the minimum period of time,
  • ensure correct marking and loading,
  • documentation of transport for further smooth border crossing,
  • organization of correct customs clearance, disbanding of cargo and delivery to final recipients.
Consolidated container transportation with us
LCL transportation service with our company - it is an opportunity to quickly and profitably move a small amount of cargo between any geographical points. Shipment at the point of departure and arrival at the warehouse can be carried out by the sender or through the mediation of our company. An extensive client base allows you to quickly select suitable consolidation options. We are responsible for all parts of warehouse, transport and customs logistics aimed at careful rational delivery to the recipient of each consignment of goods.
Customs service and customs consulting is an integral part of the our services
Customs clearance in the scheme of international trade
Customs clearance is an important stage of any international transportation - the procedure for passing the formalities and paying the duties stipulated legislation when the cargo crosses the border of the state in the mode of export, import, transit, temporary import.
Customs clearance of goods is a rather complex, dynamically changing legal field. The consequences of incorrect clearance can be quite expensive: from unplanned downtime at the border to penalties or confiscation of cargo. Timely preparation of supporting documentation and well-coordinated work of a team of specialists who are familiar with the nuances of national and international standards in the field of commodity control are necessary for the smooth overcoming of instances.
Customs consulting
The success of the procedures depends on the correct execution of the shipping documentation. The customs consulting service is designed to ensure the completeness and correctness of the package of documents for a consignment. Tasks of the preliminary expert assessment:
  • determining the nomenclature codes of the cargo,
  • determining the need for certification or obtaining permits,
  • forecast and optimization of the amount of fees,
  • rational planning of the clearance process.
Customs service
Declaring a consignment when crossing the border is a specific procedure that requires brokers to know the specifics of currency, customs and tax legislation. The process includes several interrelated steps:
  • preparation of a package of documents,
  • submission of a declaration,
  • going through inspection,
In some cases, temporary placement of goods in a customs warehouse is required.
Turnkey customs clearance with us
Thanks to our partners entered in the register of customs brokers, We offer a comprehensive customs service. At the same time, the company undertakes the full brokerage support of cargo transportation, from a preliminary analysis of the parameters of cargo transportation to participation in the passage of all procedures necessary for crossing the border and onward to the destination. It is possible to cooperate within the framework of consulting or organizing individual stages of declaration.

About us

Service with us is logistics solutions aimed at optimizing costs, minimizing risks and meeting delivery times.

For a business whose technological chain includes the movement of goods or raw materials, an important component of success is choosing a reliable logistics service provider.<br>We provide a comprehensive range of services for the organization and support of cargo transportation using modern transport, warehouse and information technologies.

About us

Service with us is logistics solutions aimed at optimizing costs, minimizing risks and meeting delivery times.

For a business whose technological chain includes the movement of goods or raw materials, an important component of success is choosing a reliable logistics service provider.
We provide a comprehensive range of services for the organization and support of cargo transportation using modern transport, warehouse and information technologies.

Company cards

Company name 3PL DMCC
Legal address
Bank name
Legal address of the bank


Business Center, U.A.E.

+971 (61) 723 4253 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
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